Looking for a Drug-Free Psych Doctor for My Son.?

Question by Dawn: Looking for a drug-free Psych doctor for my son.?
My son who is 22 has taken long-term medications for his OCD, one anti-psychotic for nearly seven years! In the last few months, his Psych. doc has had to change his SSRI medication over and over, due to side effects as well, but these seem to be causing more side effects and problems. He is either manic or can barely keep his eyes open. I am seeking a Psychiatrist who can wean my son off of all of his meds under supervision (my son’s desire as well) and treat his issues drug-free if possible. Prefer a doctor in Washington state (where we live), Oregon or Northern California. The Psych docs here (we are in a small town) in the last few days, have only wanted to sub new meds for the old, many of these drugs have long-term serious health risks. Please help us if you have any leads for us. Thank you all so very much.

New Party Drug Causes Concern After Overdoses


New party drug causes concern after overdoses – Four teenagers landed in the hospital after allegedly overdosing at a concert at an amusement park over the weekend. Police are blaming a powerful new drug c…


Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center in Florida the River Source


Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center in Florida The River Source – http://www.theriversource.org/florida-drug-and-alcohol-treatment – The River Source helps Florida patients who have fallen victim to alcohol or drug dependen…


HELP: Is My Kid Using Drugs?


HELP: Is my kid using drugs? – http://HeyJosh.com for more FREE practical advice for parents of teens. —– Josh Shipp helps adults understand teens. And teens understand themselves. He’s…


I Am Looking for a Drug Rehab Clinic and Would Like to See Reviews and Ratings.?

Question by Sean: I am looking for a drug rehab clinic and would like to see reviews and ratings.?
I am interested in the Western New york area. Preferably Buffalo, NY. It is for my mother who is addicted to prescription pain pills. I want have a place set up asap. She has been to a rehab before and had a bad experience. I want to find a better facility so that we can convince her.

Clear Heads Required for Drug Conversation

Clear heads required for drug conversation

Filed under: Colorado Drug Abuse

While most of us here in the Cayman Islands were celebrating Easter, tens (possibly hundreds) of thousands of people flocked to Colorado to participate in massive “420” parties — the unofficial holiday for all things ganja-related, occurring on April …
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