Anyone Voluntarily Went to Drug Rehab?

Question by onetimeuse1234: Anyone voluntarily went to drug rehab?
Ok…I have to be quick cuz my boyfriend is abusive. I had to create a new account so that I could post this. Anyhow, I’m addicted to meth severely! Daily use, probably 10 foils a day. No exaggeration. I WANT to quit and go to rehab. I dont have a way to research this without him finding out. I want out of this life. How long do they keep you? Whats it like? Where Should I go? Can I smoke? (cigarettes). I’m from Michigan. Please if someone could do the research for me and post it, I would appreciate it very much!! I also assist in manufacturing it at my home so I don’t want the cops to find out anything before I get help and get this shit out of my life for good……..

Best answer:

Answer by Panacea
Just go to any emergency room and tell them you want a referral to inpatient rehab. They’ll probably hook you into the community mental health system.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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