Shooting Tragedy Ignites Cultural Battle
Shooting Tragedy Ignites Cultural Battle
Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse
He worked for years to make a dent in crime and substance abuse in Lower Ocean and the Beach Flats. “Santa Cruz has a drug and alcohol problem, and needs to figure out how to get a handle on it,” Larsen says. “People … Garza lamented, “In an effort …
Can You Tell Me a Song About Drugs And/or Alcohol?
Question by BK: Can you tell me a song about drugs and/or alcohol?
Hi, I need a song that has to do with drug and/or alcohol abuse. I found the song “Rehab” by Amy Winehouse, but I don’t think it has that much to do with alcohol and drug abuse itself. Sure, it does, but I need a song that has a lot to do with alcohol and/or drug abuse. Can anyone tell me a song about drugs and/or alcohol abuse please? It can be any type a song. It just can’t have curse words in it. Thanks so much!
I Need Information on Weather Drug Addiction Is Inherieted or Is It Learned Behavior & the Difference Between?
Question by pookie: I need information on weather drug addiction is inherieted or is it learned behavior & the difference between?
Im doing a study on drug addiction and need to know whether it is inherited or passed down from generation to generation or do you learn to use drugs from family members or peer pressure.
How to Overcome Alcohol and Drug Addiction for Good
How To Overcome Alcohol and Drug Addiction for Good – A practical guide on how to overcome any alcohol or drug addiction for good. I used this method and I have been fully free for over eight years now.
Where Can I Find Scholarly Articles Online Referring to Marijuana?
Question by njnet558: Where can I find scholarly articles online referring to marijuana?
I am writing a research paper and I need to cite my sources. I am having trouble locating studies that have been done to determine that marijuana is in fact not a dangerous drug. Help is appreciated. 10 points to the best answer!