Drug Addiction- Prescription?
Question by TommyBBaLL: Drug Addiction- prescription?
My brother is addicted to oxy contin and has been for the passed 7 years. He has messed up repeatedly, and always comes up with a new bullshit story to explain to my mother and stepfather. They have known about his addiction for 4-5 years now but they continue to enable his problem. They pay for his rent and bills in order for him to sell oxycontin so he can take it himself. I try to explain to them that they feed his addiction but they neglect to here what I am telling them. Recently they placed him in a rehab facility where he spent all of 3 days. After rehab they bought him a plane ticket to florida to live with my grandparents in a elderly care facility. They schedule him a plane ticket to come back today, but he missed the plane ticket because he left the facility where my grandparents stay to work for someone which translates to me as hes doing it for his need of drugs. What can my parents do to actually help him out with his problem? I understand its my mothers son and she would do anything for him, but doesn’t it come to a time where enough is enough and you realize its time to let him go through trials and tribulations on his own.
PowerTalk 21 Emphasizes Hazards of Underage Drinking in Stewart County
PowerTalk 21 emphasizes hazards of underage drinking in Stewart County
Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse help
Underage drinking is a problem in Stewart County, and no one is more aware of that than Stewart County Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention Director Melissa Fields. To help get – and keep – the dialogue going between parents and teens, Fields has …
Read more on Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
Court Mandated Drug Rehab Programs?
Question by hummingbird: court mandated drug rehab programs?
So i was researching programs that might have involuntarily inpatient rehab centers for my mom. Mostly because i had heard someone talking about how they got their son in law to go to rehab only by having these people take him by force and that he was all better now and so forth bragging about how good it did for him. So i thought this would be great for my mom so ive done some research and chatted online with operators. Come to find out that there is no such thing[ had sounded way too good to be true from the beginning.] Now he did tell me that I can go to my local court house/ clerks office and ask to get a mandated court order or something of that nature. He went onto telling me that i would need another person to sign with me but didnt explain more of what i would need or how the process goes about. Any info or suggestions.?
In case you were wondering… she suffers from methamphetamine drug abuse. She has tried aa meetings and even going voluntarily to a rehab center but left not too long after being admitted. Ive about had it and its beginning to take a toll on my younger siblings and is getting out of hands…
Drug Addiction Treatment Center Newark NJ 855-337-8500
Drug addiction treatment center Newark NJ 855-337-8500 – Come to Florida, be addiction free. Call 855-337-8500 New Life Addiction Treatment Center, Drug addiction treatment center Newark NJ. Substance drug abuse, d…
Lamar Odom Goes Missing Amid Claims of Drug Abuse – Splash News
Lamar Odom Goes Missing Amid Claims of Drug Abuse – Splash News – Lamar Odom has allegedly been missing for three days amid claims of drug abuse. Splash brings the hottest, most up-to-date Hollywood stories and photos to mi…
Are There Any Charities or Groups or Organizations Thats for Drug Abuse Prevention or Awareness?
Question by May: Are there any charities or groups or organizations thats for drug abuse prevention or awareness?
I’m doing a report for my ISU about Drug Abuse and I need to list charities or organizations and what they do to help so can you please help me?
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