united states

Iran's Medical Crisis Deepens as Economy Sputters

Iran's medical crisis deepens as economy sputters

Filed under: drug treatment centers in minnesota

For many Iranians, such underground channels are now the only way to get needed — or even life-saving — drugs as Western sanctions over the country's nuclear program have indirectly limited normal supplies to hospitals and pharmacies. But for others …
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Peter Marinelli Help for Drug and Alcohol Abuse


Suffolk: Children Aged 12 Treated for Alcohol Abuse

Suffolk: Children aged 12 treated for alcohol abuse

Filed under: drug treatment program statistics

The statistics, for the last three years, show 355 children were given specialist care because of concerns over their drinking. But the figures, released by Suffolk PCT following a … There were 130 youngsters seen in 2009/10 – when at least one child …
Read more on East Anglian Daily Times

ADHD Prescription Drug Abuse: Teens!


ADHD Prescription Drug Abuse: Teens! – Teen Drug Abuse, or more specifically prescription drug abuse continues to rise. ADHD students in High School and College are selling or giving prescription drugs to their friends. The parents get the prescriptions filled and are unwittingly providing their children with a product which their kids are illegally selling or giving away. For example, Adderall abuse is much more common than parents realize. The Percentages of kids in high school and college buying and selling these drugs on this black market will surprise you.

How Should Illegal Immigration Be Stopped?

Question by mr. man: How should illegal immigration be stopped?
How can it be stopped? I don’t see a good reason besides building a big wall that wouldn’t be racist against hispanics. Should we just let everyone in and be fair because the Mexicans can border hop easily?

Best answer:

The War on Drugs Is a Failure