san francisco

INSIGHT: Sequester Cuts Hit Poor, Elderly, Cancer Patients

INSIGHT: Sequester cuts hit poor, elderly, cancer patients

Filed under: Drug Treatment Colorado Springs

For Gene Smith, who receives infusions of five drugs to fight metastatic colon cancer, the switch means the 66-year-old Vietnam veteran will lose a full day of work every two weeks for the next year — or as long as his treatment lasts. "I'm a little …
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Can Someone Give Me a General Idea of My Problem?

Question by Mr. BIG: Can someone give me a general idea of my problem?
I am a 27yr old male 220lbs healthy. I was beaten and caged(in a house)for 15yrs before someone finaly killed them.
I drank n drugged till I was 19 (good times) and finally got sent to prison for three long miserable years.
When I got out I had never felt happiness till that moment but it only lasted a few hours.I worked hard and semi sober for about four years bought new cars, tv’s,quads,leather couches an everything I ever wanted And have had two good friends through it all.I have a very hard time speaking to people.Like anxiety you couldn’t imagine in your worst nightmare.
So,One month I decided to sell everything and move to Maui,Hawaii and lived there for two months before I came back.So,here I am living in my friends garage.I cant work I’m just a wreck(I hide it very well)I cannot feel anything but pain.
Nothing makes me happy.And I try every minute of every day.I want to live. But don’t know what to do. Help.
help is what I’m asking this is the only free place.I have no money.
I live in Arizona.

The World's Most Unsatisfied Band

The World's Most Unsatisfied Band

Filed under: drug rehab in pa

Growing up, Bob was in and out of group homes, reform schools, and rehab. With no male role model … Jesperson's first taste of the future came during an ill-fated concert at the Bataclan, an old church that had been converted into a kind of halfway …
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San Francisco CA Alcohol Rehab


San Francisco CA Alcohol Rehab – San Francisco CA Alcohol Rehab Program Speaker, Dr. Stein, was certified by the American Society of Addiction Medicine in 1996. Dr Stein, provides those affl…


Female inmates sterilized in California without approval

Drug Court Has Almost Two Decades Helping Addicts Rebuild

Drug court has almost two decades helping addicts rebuild

Filed under: drug addiction help

Six men, along with family and court officials, gathered recently in the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors' chambers to be recognized for their graduation from a program designed to help addicts rebuild their lives. The ceremony May 31 crowned the …
Read more on San Francisco Examiner

A Vicious Crime Boss, His Corrupt Police Cronies and a Scandal That Could Have

A vicious crime boss, his corrupt police cronies and a scandal that could have

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members

One of the most sickening was the claim that undercover officers had hunted for information to smear the family of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence, in order to head off the damaging inquiry into the botched police investigation of that racially …
Read more on Daily Mail