Roughly What % of People Will Relapse Within a Year From an Inpatient Drug Rehab Program?
Question by Joe: Roughly what % of people will relapse within a year from an inpatient drug rehab program?
Best answer:
Answer by raysny
12step rehabs have a slightly higher success rate than “free” AA, and they have about a 5% success rate at the end of one year, the same as quitting on your own.
Non Residential Drug Rehab Houston Call 713-966-6103 for Help
Non Residential Drug Rehab Houston Call 713-966-6103 For Help – Outpatient Rehabilitation Houston TX Call 713-966-6103 For More Info. Visit one of the leading drug rehab programs wi…
CFR 42 Part 2: Addiction treatment employees charged for refusing police …
Does Anyone Know of Any Longer Term Christian Post Rehab Programs?
Question by Starkles: Does anyone know of any longer term Christian post rehab programs?
My son has been in drug rehab for 38 days and we are looking for a chrisitian program where he can go to continue working his sobriety that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. Does anyone have any suggestions?
How Does a 3-5 Day Alcohol Rehab Program Work?
Question by mamaT: How does a 3-5 day alcohol rehab program work?
I have a family member checking into a 3-5 day rehab program to treat alcoholism and a perscription drug addiction. I have never heard of a program this short and I am uncertainof its effectivness. Will it help?