mental health

Teens and Drugs


Teens and Drugs – Statistics estimate 22.5 million Americans over age 12 use illegal drugs. The rates climb higher for teenagers. One in ten tens, ages 12 to 17 use drugs, and…


Performance-Enhancing Drug Use More Prevalent Than Type 1 Diabetes or HIV

New Pill Container Designed to Battle Drug Abuse

New pill container designed to battle drug abuse

Filed under: drug abuse prevention

Hayes said he's talking with Humana about covering the product widely and believes many insurers will eventually pay for it because prevention is so much cheaper than dealing with prescription drug abuse. Hayes said insurers face costs of $ 1,500 for …
Read more on Lexington Herald Leader

What Would Be a Good Question to Answer in a Psychology Paper?

Question by helpful_person: What would be a good question to answer in a psychology paper?
I have to choose a psychology related question to answer in a rather short (only three pages) research paper. I’m interested in things like gender roles, child development, self-esteem, drug abuse, and family issues. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Question for Substance Abuse Professionals?

Question by ebizartistry: Question for substance abuse professionals?
Where does personal responsibility fit into the argument that certain groups are, perhaps, justified in their addiction?

Best answer:

Lawyer: Haverhill Can't Stop Clinic

Lawyer: Haverhill can't stop clinic

Filed under: drug addiction help free

Spectrum's letter said the clinic will not only administer methadone to patients addicted to heroin, but also provide educational services such as counseling and teaching independent living skills. Methadone is a synthetic drug that relieves the …
Read more on Eagle-Tribune

Kids Should 'Be Proud' Not to Take Drugs, Officials Say

Kids Should 'Be Proud' Not to Take Drugs, Officials Say

Filed under: drug addiction help for parents

“This isn't a 'gotcha' program,” Zaccone said. “We want to help your kids and parents, you have to be diligent with this too. We need your help. We can't do it alone.” For more information or for help combating teenage drug use call Zaccone at 973-317 …