internet addiction

Video Game and Internet Addiction Treatment


Video Game and Internet Addiction Treatment


From Twitter:

i’m trying to find a new addiction besides the internet, one direction, and justin bieber. my tv remote not working doesn’t exactly helpby samthestripper (?elilai.)


Find Help Chat With ConnexOntario


Find Help Chat with ConnexOntario – Not sure about using chat to reach out for help? mindyourmind Youth Outreach Assistant Max interviews Anne from ConnexOntario to get a better understanding of how the service works. ConnexOntario provides information and referral services for drug and alcohol, mental health and gambling issues in Ontario. Start a webchat to find help for yourself or a friend or watch the video for more info. http

World of Warcraft Addict


World of Warcraft Addict – An editorial on World of Warcraft addict and internet addiction


From Twitter:

@DanaBrunetti Wow, this is seriously worrying. Need 2 get u some help 🙂 Do they even have support groups 4 addiction 2 apple products? – by CristelaValenci (Cristela Da Costa)

Use of PMP May Increase Demand for Drug Treatment, Reduce Painkiller Abuse

Use of PMP may increase demand for drug treatment, reduce painkiller abuse

Filed under: drug treatment news stories

When prescribers suspected a patient of doctor shopping or diverting medications, PMP users were more likely to ramp up clinical monitoring with urine drug screens or refer the patient to drug treatment. PMP users were also less likely to …. More …
Read more on Medical Xpress