Chinese Man Calls Police on Himself to Help Fight Internet Addiction
Chinese Man Calls Police On Himself To Help Fight Internet Addiction
Filed under: addiction help
We're sure the man who has been spending the last six years at an Internet cafe can be considered a person who is addicted to not only the Internet, but games itself as he spends the majority of his waking moments at the cafe. But until he admits he …
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Riverside Sober Living Home Fights Winter Cold Weather With Bedding …
Riverside Sober Living Home Fights Winter Cold Weather with Bedding …
Filed under: internet addiction help
“I was excited to see that there are truly angels out there to help keep recovery programs like ours open and available,” says Danette Neisinger, founder of Mama D's Sober Living Home. “I'm grateful to the Omidi brothers and No More Poverty for …
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How Does Internet Addiction Start?
Question by Juztin Jay Juliver: How does internet addiction start?
What is internet? What is internet addiction?
What are the causes and effects of internet addiction? what are the advantages and disadvantages of internet addiction? Who are the people mostly involved? What is the total percentage rating of people who are greatly involved in internet addiction? What are the ways to do in order to lessen internet addiction? Are these ways functional nowadays? Why?
Workshops to Address Risky Behavior and Teen Technology Use
Workshops to Address Risky Behavior and Teen Technology Use
Filed under: internet addiction help
Greenfield, who is director of the Center for Internet and Technology Addiction, is an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the UConn School of Medicine and author of "Virtual Addiction," will lead a discussion and share ideas and strategies …
Drug Addiction Can Be Overcome
Drug addiction can be overcome
Filed under: drug addiction help
Drug experts say abuse often begins as a way to escape life. That is the case for a former addict we … She went into rehab, but decided to leave after only a few days and then turned to alcohol to help her cope. She began going to Narcotics Anonymous …
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Ferndale Studio Defies Stereotypes With Pole, Aerial Dancing Workouts
Ferndale Studio Defies Stereotypes with Pole, Aerial Dancing Workouts
Filed under: internet addiction help
Pole Addiction, which has been in business for seven years and located at 3023 Hilton for almost three years, teaches women pole dancing and aerial dancing. Despite the often negative connotations, … I immediately got on the Internet looking for pole …