gilead sciences

Where Do I Find Out About How to Open a Drug Rehabilitation Center in NYC?

Question by shawnshawn: Where do i find out about how to open a drug rehabilitation center in NYC?
Is it government funded or not… anything anyone can give me would help… Thank you.

Best answer:

How to Find Addiction Treatment Centers in Boerne, Texas That Can Handle Cases of Prescription Drug Addiction?

Question by callista t: How to find addiction treatment centers in Boerne, Texas that can handle cases of prescription drug addiction?
I have a friend who happens to be addicted to sleeping pills. It started out as a need because she’s insomniac, but for some reason, she has found a way to experience euphoria from use of the drug. She buys a lot and when I asked her what she uses it for, she even cajoled me to try. I would like to find an addiction treatment center so I can find out more information about this kind of addiction and maybe then I can get someone to talk to her about her condition.

Drug Abuse Statistics in the USA


Drug Abuse Statistics In The USA – Call 866-515-5032 Drug abuse statistics are increasing at an alarming rate in the USA. For more information contact Hawaii Island Recovery.


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