Seceding From the States?
Question by jpc8015: Seceding from the States?
Did anybody hear about the Lakota Indian Tribe wanting to disolve their treaties with the federal government and set up their own country? Is this a good idea for them? How would they manage without federal aid for everything from “cultural centers” to drug and alcohol rehabilitation? At some point would we need to go and forcibly take their land back from them in order to save them from themselves? What would the consequences be, could we then take away their status as a soveirgn nation and not give them treaties?
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christian drug rehabilitation center – 1855-885-8651 – christian drug rehabilitation center are you searching for an aswer to Addiction. GOD can help and our Treatment program is a Christ Based solution to this w…
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Drug Rehab Programs in Jersey City NJ | Call 800-839-1682 For INFORMATION – Drug Rehab Programs in Jersey City NJ – Call 800-839-1682 For INFORMATION If you want to know more information about the treatment processes and recovery pro…
Addiction Treatment Dallas Texas | Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers Dallas
Addiction Treatment Dallas Texas | Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers Dallas – Addiction Treatment Dallas Texas focus on drug and alcohol abuse through counseling, clean and sober living facilities, detox in …
What Causes Addiction?
Question by melon_rose: What causes addiction?
Best answer:
Answer by Dave Yours Truly
Drug use or abuse crosses the line into drug addiction when you feel you have to have the drug, and you increase the amount of the drug you take. Various factors, such as your personality, your genetic makeup and peer pressure, affect your likelihood of becoming addicted to a drug. In addition, some drugs, such as heroin and cocaine, more quickly produce a physical addiction than other drugs do for many people.
Vancouver Drug Rehab Treatment Program, Speaking on the Effects of Addiction
Vancouver Drug Rehab Treatment Program, speaking on the effects of addiction – Vancouver Drug Rehab Treatment Program, speaking on the effects of addiction.