drug rehab centers

How Do People Survive in Jail/Prison?

Question by days_o_work: How do people survive in Jail/Prison?
I was locked up in a Michigan Jail for about 13 hours one time, not even a full day, and it nearly drove me insane. Maybe I’m just “soft” but a month in there would have driven me nuts. How do people survive in there.
Thanks for the answers.. My trip thru hell started as an arrest for felony assault which I later pleaded down to misdemeanor aggrivated assault. I basically blew my temper one day at a random stranger and apparently scared the bejesus out of him, so he promptly told the police. There was no physical contact or anything but they still ran me thru as a felony.

Former Cedar Crest Athlete Jaren Hayes Gets Probation

Former Cedar Crest athlete Jaren Hayes gets probation

Filed under: drug rehab centers in michigan

A former star athlete at Cedar Crest High School and Michigan State University was sentenced to probation Wednesday for striking a 4-year-old boy. … Hayes told Kline he has been in drug-treatment centers since June and is now in a program in Altoona.
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With 'snorkel' Technique, Stanford Vascular Surgeons Advance Safe Treatment of

With 'snorkel' technique, Stanford vascular surgeons advance safe treatment of

Filed under: drug rehab centers in california

Stanford Hospital performs more minimally invasive repairs of AAAs than any other hospital in Northern California. "Stanford has the most robust portfolio of innovative aortic disease management procedures of any center in the state," Dalman said. In …
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Long Term Inpatient Drug Rehab, Long Term Inpatient Rehab, Long Term Drug Rehab Centers


HealthSpot Launches Telehealth Station at CES

HealthSpot Launches Telehealth Station at CES

Filed under: drug rehab centers in las vegas

At the Consumer Electronics Show, HealthSpot has unveiled a walk-in kiosk called HealthSpot Station that patients can visit in pharmacies, grocery stores or urgent care centers as a virtual doctor's office. On Jan. 8 at the International Consumer …
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