Teens Drinking at a Younger Age
Teens drinking at a younger age
Filed under: free drug rehab
It started when she was 12, and she was in rehab by her 16th birthday. "We used to drink anything – spirits, … "The latest statistics show clearly that they're starting younger," Suzi Morris from the Gold Coast Drug Council says. "You're talking …
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NECP Celebrates Milestone
NECP celebrates milestone
Filed under: drug rehab centers in nc
He also paid tribute to High Mark School Development of Utah for their investment in NECP's property acquisition and renovation of the former home of the Mary Frances Center, a residential drug rehabilitation center for women. “This really isn't a risk …
Read more on Tarboro Daily Southerner
Tour of Brighton Center for Recovery Addiction Treatment Center Campus
Tour of Brighton Center for Recovery Addiction Treatment Center Campus – Warm and humorous tour of one of the oldest and most respected Addiction Treatment Centers in the USA; Brighton Center for Recovery (Michigan). In this video, a recovering physician, Mark Menestrina MD, himself a former patient at Brighton Center for Recovery, takes the viewer on a lighthearted tour of the 92 acre campus of the Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center in his Smart Car.
Easton Man Admitted Having Sex With 15-Year-Old Girl, Police Say
Easton man admitted having sex with 15-year-old girl, police say
Filed under: drug rehab centers in california
Police said Ehrie told them he wanted to come clean after seeking treatment at a California drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. A written statement was given admitting his guilt, police said. Ehrie was arraigned today before District Judge Douglas …
Read more on The Express Times – LehighValleyLive.com
Treatment Centers in Las Vegas | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers
Treatment Centers in Las Vegas | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers – rehabnevada.com Treatment Centers in Las Vegas has alcohol, drug, and prescribed drugs rehab facilities located in Nevada, utilizing detox, counseling, sober living facilities, and more. Call 877-281-6143 http
Parasitic Worms May Help Treat Diseases Associated With Obesity
Parasitic worms may help treat diseases associated with obesity
Filed under: drug rehab centers in georgia
Donald Harn is Georgia Research Alliance Distinguished Investigator in the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine's Department of Infectious Diseases and is also a member of UGA's Faculty of Infectious Diseases and the Center for Tropical and Emerging …
Read more on HealthCanal.com