Foundations Outpatient – Atlanta, GA (Drug and Alcohol Rehab)
Foundations Outpatient – Atlanta, GA (Drug and Alcohol Rehab) – (877) 714-1317 To achieve a successful recovery from drug and alcohol addiction & abuse, Foundations’ services are built to work in conjunction with the pati…
Withdrawing From Injecting Heroin, Massachusetts?
Question by CCC: Withdrawing from Injecting Heroin, Massachusetts?
Is there a way to get into a rehabilitation facility without any insurance ? The person is from MA which does have mandatory Health Ins but she just got fired, and has no ins currently, any thoughts or knowledge would be appreciated.
Does Anyone Know of Any FREE Rehab Centers?
Question by Sammi: Does anyone know of any FREE rehab centers?
I’ve been trying to find one for a family member for awhile now who does not have the money to pay for it, if anyone knows of any free treatment centers PLEASE share
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Seceding From the States?
Question by jpc8015: Seceding from the States?
Did anybody hear about the Lakota Indian Tribe wanting to disolve their treaties with the federal government and set up their own country? Is this a good idea for them? How would they manage without federal aid for everything from “cultural centers” to drug and alcohol rehabilitation? At some point would we need to go and forcibly take their land back from them in order to save them from themselves? What would the consequences be, could we then take away their status as a soveirgn nation and not give them treaties?
What Is Schizon Enchaphaly?
Question by mama629: what is schizon enchaphaly?
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To Those With Mental Illness: Do You Have Problems With Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Your Family?
Question by ~~Birdy~~: To those with mental illness: Do you have problems with alcohol and drug abuse in your family?
Do you get concerned about yourself?
Do you ever think about drinking to change your mood? What stops you?
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