James E. Staggs, 64, Prep Basketball Star
James E. Staggs, 64, prep basketball star
Filed under: inpatient drug rehab centers
After his basketball career, Mr. Staggs worked as a counselor at drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers and other care facilities in and around Philadelphia, including Eagleville Hospital, Diagnostic and Rehabilitation Center of Philadelphia, and …
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NYDrugRehab.com – New York Drug & Alcohol Rehab
NYDrugRehab.com – New York Drug & Alcohol Rehab – nydrugrehab.com – The River Source, holistic drug and alcohol rehab center offers the most comprehensive addiction treatment programs for patients in New York.
China Uses Controversial Brain Surgery To Cure Drug Addiction
Public Invited to Tour Drug Rehab Center
Public invited to tour drug rehab center
Filed under: drug rehab centers
MANISTEE — It's been accepting patients for about a year and on Saturday the Best Drug Rehabilitation Center in Manistee will host a grand opening celebration. “Basically, we're giving the community an opportunity to see what Best Drug Rehabilitation …
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