What Are Some Good Books That Deal With Drug Addiction?
Question by Alice: What are some good books that deal with drug addiction?
Best answer:
Answer by richard
Bible lol
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Drug Addiction?
Question by Coral: Drug addiction?
Does anybody know a program for a 18 year old? He is aggresive, is using alcohol and maybe mixing with something else.
Best answer:
Drug Addiction Treatment Center Newark NJ 855-337-8500
Drug addiction treatment center Newark NJ 855-337-8500 – Come to Florida, be addiction free. Call 855-337-8500 New Life Addiction Treatment Center, Drug addiction treatment center Newark NJ. Substance drug abuse, d…
What Is Suboxone For?
Question by Tyler: what is Suboxone for?
I need to know what the uses for Suboxone are. Are they only used for recovering opiate addicts?
Best answer:
Answer by Mathieu
According to the official American Suboxone Prescribing Information, “SUBOXONE sublingual film is indicated for maintenance treatment of opioid dependence. Prescription use of this product is limited under the Drug Addiction Treatment Act.”
Should People Get Free Treatment if They Take Drugs?
Question by : should people get free treatment if they take drugs?
exam question, need help :s
Best answer:
Answer by rosieC
Yes. Treatment doesn’t discriminate. There is a question of the freedom of choice. If a person so chooses to use illegal drugs; she or he shouldn’t be denied any treatment. Drug addiction much like alcohol addiction is considered a disease.
Is There a Drug/ Alcohol Rehab Treatment for Atheists?
Question by Richard: Is there a drug/ alcohol rehab treatment for atheists?
Do they all involve a “higher power”?
I am just trying to help my wife. I am just thinking about her right now and what she would respond to.
I think alcohol and drug addiction should be treated from the inside out. If you don’t love yourself you can’t love anything else including God.