drug addict

How to Overcome Prescription Drug Addiction?

Question by plzhelpimaddictedtovicodin: How to overcome prescription drug addiction?
I have been addicted to prescription pain pills for almost 2 years, and my husband has no idea. My question is how do I beat my addiction without him knowing what is happening? I love him and my family and do not want to hurt them by telling them I am an addict. I know I can overcome my addiction I just need to know what kind of withdrawl symptoms I will have and how long they will last. And if there is anything else I need to know that will make the withdrawls a lot less obvious or if there is anything over the counter that will help with the withdrawl symptoms I would be forever greatful to anyone who can help me

Drug Addiction Symptoms Francisco Espinosa and Robert Campos


Drug addiction symptoms Francisco Espinosa and Robert campos


How and Why Is Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Related to Substance Abuse?

Question by M: How and Why is Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder related to substance abuse?
I know the symptoms and what Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder is but how and why are they related to substance use?

Try to be clear when explaining this to me please and Thanks for the help!

Kelly: Florida Drug Addiction Rehab Success Story – Inpatient Rehab


Kelly: Florida Drug Addiction Rehab Success Story – Inpatient Rehab – Kelly shares her story of recovery from drug addiction to sober living. The program at Boca Raton inpatient recovery house Awakenings provided her the tools …


CALL for ACTION ALERT: Expired Baby Formula Sold in Store

CALL FOR ACTION ALERT: Expired Baby Formula Sold in Store

Filed under: Colorado Springs Drug Addiction Help

Like many mothers, Latanja Lynch is very particular about what she gives her baby. That's why she was so surprised to see the formula she just bought at the Walmart near Powers and Palmer Park in Colorado Springs was one month expired. "I noticed there …
Read more on KKTV 11 News

Looking to Find in Fo Onsober Living Homes in MA or 1 Bedroom Sober Homes in Ma Have 3 Yrs Sobriety?

Question by nancyfgs: Looking to find in fo onsober living homes in MA or 1 bedroom sober homes in Ma Have 3 yrs sobriety?
price range, sobriety time for enterence, women homes age groups, how much independence

Best answer:

Answer by ashleyligon1967
Liberty Ranch Drug Alcohol Dependency Massachusetts