Tulalips' $10000 Grant Bolsters Juvenile Drug Court
Tulalips' 000 grant bolsters juvenile drug court
Filed under: drug addiction symptoms
Weiss said the grant also is going to help efforts to involve parents whose children are in drug court. Kids with substance abuse problems have a better chance at beating their addictions if their parents are involved in their recovery, Weiss said. The …
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Lawyer: Annabi Addicted to Xanax, Wants Treatment
Lawyer: Annabi addicted to Xanax, wants treatment
Filed under: residential drug treatment programs
NEW YORK — Federal prosecutors are asking a judge to deny former Yonkers Councilwoman Sandy Annabi's request to enter a drug-treatment program when she goes to federal prison on corruption charges. The U.S. Attorney's Office said in papers filed …
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State Looks for New Tools to Battle Prescription Drug Abuse
State Looks For New Tools To Battle Prescription Drug Abuse
Filed under: prescription drug addiction help
Prescription drug abuse experts unveiled a new tool today to help lower opioid misuse in the state. That new tool is a website containing information for doctors describing safe prescribing techniques and standards for pain management. Dr. Seddon …
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In Need of a Inpatient/outpatient Drug Treatment Program in West Virginia.?
Question by lil mama: In need of a inpatient/outpatient drug treatment program in West Virginia.?
My friend has been on and off drugs for yrs., finally he has asked for help, and I’d like to do what I can for him. The tricky part is… he is currently incarcerated, due to get out May 18th, he’d like to go straight to a treatment facility and not back out on the streets. However all the places I have called so far say that he needs to be refered to a 28 day facility, the have that facility refer him to a 90 day. There are only 3 28 day facilities in W.V. and they all have a 6-8 week waiting list. To top it off they prob. wont tk. him because he wont have any drugs in his system. The only other option is to try and find a outpatient facility and if they feel he needs it, they can try to refer him to inpatient. There are 2 outpatient facilites in the area and they want to prescribe other drugs to suppress the cravings………..I’ve discussed this with him and this would be a last option, he has no drugs in his system now and the goal is to keep it that way. Please if anyone has any other suggestions, options, or has been threw this before , I’d like to hear it…..Please no smarta** comments though, unless you’ve been there don’t judge.
Basin Kids as Young as Nine Years Old Seeking Drug Abuse Treatment
Basin Kids as Young as Nine Years Old Seeking Drug Abuse Treatment
Filed under: drug addiction news articles
Pill parties are still very much alive in the Midland-Odessa area and kids as young as nine years-old are going into therapy for drug abuse. Midland Palmer Drug Abuse Program's (PDAP), Mario Flores, explains, "Kids go to a house or to a yard and they …
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