Am I Truly That Selfish and Horrific of a Daughter Incapable of “rehabilitation” and Redemption?
Question by Jenny: Am I truly that selfish and horrific of a daughter incapable of “rehabilitation” and redemption?
A few weeks ago the worship band I belong to was invited by our sister churches in China to spend two weeks in August performing for them in various locations throughout the country. I was extremely excited and immediately said yes without first asking my parents. I’d intended to talk with my dad about it that week, but it was smack in the middle of exams and I was stressed out, and he has been working really long hours, and the planning for his wedding at the end of next month has eaten up a lot of his time. I knew it was a major discussion, so I just thought I’d hold off until a more chilled out time. In the meantime, the woman organizing the trip needed me to fill out some forms and submit a copy of my passport, and so I did. I received an email tonight that the tickets had just been booked, so that means that I’m now locked into going since they were bought in bulk and are non-refundable and non-transferable. I completely freaked out. A guy I sometimes IM with wrote to me then, and I explained the situation, and even though it has nothing at all to do with him, he completely exploded. He said that I was a selfish, irresponsible child and that my actions were despicable and disgusting, and that he had no respect at all for me. I’ve told him about a few others things that I’ve done in the past, but it’s all pretty typical teenage stuff – nothing major like serious drugs, theft or trouble with the law. I’m a straight-A student, varsity athlete, dedicated volunteer, and for the most part a good kid who just happens to sometimes blow off curfew and do careless, juvenile things, but I’m not a malicious person at all. He said that my dad should be ashamed of me, and that I deserved to “have my butt destroyed” and be grounded. He said that I had no respect for my dad. I actually adore my dad. My dad & I have been arguing a lot lately and I think he’s far too strict, but I have a tremendous amount of respect for him, and I don’t think occasional teenage rebellion and antics makes him feel like I don’t love him. In fact, the last time this guy told me that I was an absolute nightmare of a daughter and I went and talked with my dad about some things that I’d done and asked him if he felt that way about me, he said he didn’t at all, and that the guy was a foolish bully. Still though, the words tonight stung.
Maine Drug Abuse Task Force Meeting Today
Maine drug abuse task force meeting today
Filed under: drug addiction newspaper
The panel of medical, law enforcement and state officials is looking for solutions as an epidemic of drug store robberies plagues the state.
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Ex-drug addict brings hope to Richmond
Family Dinners Help Teens Avoid Drug Abuse, Says Report
Family Dinners Help Teens Avoid Drug Abuse, Says Report
Filed under: christian drug addiction help
A new report that was published revealed that teens who ate dinner with their family were less likely to engage in risky behavior or use drugs.
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County Launches Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Program
County launches prescription drug abuse prevention program
Filed under: drug addiction help free
Corey Dickstein/Bryan County Now Bryan County's Drug Free Coalition Coordinator William Collins speaks Tuesday about the dangers of perscription drug abuse. By Corey Dickstein Officials warned of “pill mills” and people stealing prescription drugs …
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Colorado Drug Rehabilitation Programs
Employment Information Handbook • EIH2011
The VA has a wide range of programs that can be helpful, including rehabilitation services. Ex-offenders with drug and sex offender convictions are ineligible for public Department of Motor Vehicles POB 942890 Sacramento, CA 24290-0001 (800) -777-0133 Colorado … Fetch Document