daily mail

Naloxone Could Save Thousands of Lives. So Why Is the Government Restricting It?

Naloxone could save thousands of lives. So why is the government restricting it?

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members

That is why the priority is being placed increasingly on more effective initiatives that focus on helping individuals manage the harms of drug use and addiction, as a substitute to pursuing politically charged and dogmatic policies aimed at achieving a …
Read more on Yahoo News UK

How Can I Console Somebody Recovering From Drug Addiction?

Question by Bela: How can I console somebody recovering from drug addiction?
I have a suitemate who is moving out because of her drug addiction. Her mom has been living here for the past week, and it has been quite an emotional experience. There have been many tears, and many prayers. I was not really close with her (my suitemate) until these past few weeks. I really want to write her a letter reassuring her that everything will be okay. Any suggestions?

Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Receiv Tribute & Free Medicine Help by Charles Myrick of ACRX


Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Receiv Tribute & Free Medicine Help by Charles Myrick of ACRX – http://www.freehealthcarenews.com -As millions of Americans strive to deal with the economic downturn,loss of jobs,foreclosures,high cost of gas,and the risi…


Winning the “Battle at Home”: A Forever Recovery Launches New Information

Winning the “Battle at Home”: A Forever Recovery Launches New Information

Filed under: drug abuse help for veterans

A Forever Recovery has launched a new information portal to help Veterans and their families win the “battle at home” against addiction, and to understand the link between substance & alcohol abuse and war zone deployment. Share on Twitter Share on …
Read more on PR Web (press release)

How to Legally Force a Family Member Into Drug Rehab?

Question by Mike T: How to legally force a family member into drug rehab?
I have a family member addicted to crack cocaine, we know she is a danger to herself and to others, she refuses to voluntarily get treatment, how can the family force her into a drug detox and rehab program? Is there some sort of motion that can be filed with the court?
I can I am planning on calling some attorneys tomorrow, just want some background info if you have experience or know anything about how to help out a drug addict who doesn’t want help but needs it

Californians Feel the Impact as Shutdown Continues

Californians feel the impact as shutdown continues

Filed under: drug abuse help for veterans

“Part of the problem,” said Franklin Gilliam, dean of the UCLA School of Public Affairs, “is that you say 'government shutdown,' but you look out the window, and nothing looks different. Unless you need a … Gilliam's family already has seen the …
Read more on Sacramento Bee