alcohol abuse

Inmates Not Always Treated for Addiction, Mental Illness

Inmates not always treated for addiction, mental illness

Filed under: signs of drug abuse

Inmates not always treated for addiction, mental illness. By – Kyle Campbell. Published: 06/03/2013. MICHIGAN – Unpredictable behavior, irrationality, confusion, loss of control: all are symptoms of mental illness and signs of drug abuse.

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation in Colorado | Drug Rehabilitation Centers in Colorado


Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation in Colorado | Drug Rehabilitation Centers in Colorado – Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation in Colorado and prescription drugs addiction is treated at Alcohol Rehab Colorado’s residenti…


Narconon Arrowhead Sends Assistance to Relief Efforts in Oklahoma

Buck Institute Study Shows Anti-Aging Drug Improves Function of Heart in Mice

Buck Institute study shows anti-aging drug improves function of heart in mice

Filed under: drug rehabilitation centers

It has previously been demonstrated that the drug can extend the life span of mice by as much as 14 percent. "These findings are significant … three-month period," Melov said. "This study provides the first evidence that age-related heart dysfunction …
Read more on San Jose Mercury News

Addiction Treatment Center Social Media Marketing


Addiction Treatment Center Social Media Marketing – Diligent Management & Consulting Services is a group of talented individuals who have worked in the field of drug addiction treatment marketing, and substanc…


Suicides by middle-aged Michigan residents on the rise

NS Doctor Charged With Trafficking Prescription Drugs

NS doctor charged with trafficking prescription drugs

Filed under: free drug abuse treatment

She was also ordered to undergo treatment for drug and alcohol abuse, and she was fined $ 10,000. A spokesperson for the college told CBC Monday that Hawes has not met the conditions of her punishment, and she has not applied to get her licence back.

Drug Prescriptions to Treat Alcohol Dependency Increased by 75%

Drug prescriptions to treat alcohol dependency increased by 75%

Filed under: prescription drug addiction treatment

Dr Nick Sheron, Royal College of Physicians advisor on alcohol, said “The rise in prescriptions of drugs to treat alcohol dependency is indicative of the huge strain alcohol abuse puts on our society.” “The rise in alcohol addiction is being driven by …
Read more on The Information Daily