Sequester Cuts at Justice Department Threaten Local Drug Investigations

Sequester Cuts at Justice Department Threaten Local Drug Investigations

Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison

Because of partisan gridlock in Washington, these Byrne grants, which states may use to pay for law enforcement, courts, crime prevention programs, corrections and substance abuse treatment, will be cut by at least 5 percent this year and by an …
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Debate Over Legalizing Drugs Grows Louder in Latin America

Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison

Critics of America's war on drugs say it's a losing battle, draining billions of dollars and incarcerating millions of people, including many low-level offenders (the United States has the highest prison population in the world) — all while doing …
Read more on The Washington Diplomat


Mental Health, Preventive Care, And The Debate Over Medicaid Expansion In

Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison

Not long after he was released from prison, Ponting found his way to a small adult behavioral health clinic in Boise run by Easter Seals-Goodwill. They provide low-cost mental health and substance abuse treatment, and they specialize in serving people …
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