Planned Drug Court Gets Treatment Grant

Planned drug court gets treatment grant

Filed under: drug addiction treatment

The drug court is one way Ater and Judge Scott Nusbaum hope to address sentencing reform and, they hope, more effectively reduce the number of people reoffending by treating the underlying problem, which most times is drug addiction. The proposal has …
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Letter: Treat drug addiction as a health-care issue, not a criminal one

Filed under: drug addiction treatment

The article on how the marijuana revolution is gathering force in the United States and how more states are turning their backs on the “war on drugs” could force Canada to take a look and a new stance on a humane way to treat drug addiction as well as …
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Why love was my drug: Could you be in the grip of a dangerous addiction?

Filed under: drug addiction treatment

Even today, when love addiction is becoming recognised as a problem in its own right, it is often through treatment for substance abuse (or other addictions such as shopping or gambling) that patients uncover underlying relationship issues. In my case …
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