Montclair Workshop Details Perils of Marijuana Abuse

Montclair workshop details perils of marijuana abuse

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

Above, Gerry Citro, a student assistance counselor at Renaissance Middle School makes a point during Thursday night's parent workshop on marijuana abuse as Whitney Gibbs, a student assistance counselor at Glenfield Middle School listens. Below, Amy …


Mother, former addict leading grass roots recovery effort

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

Jason Merrick remembers driving around the Pacific Northwest with a lot of marijuana and money, selling and using drugs and having a great time – until he hit his bottom and drove to Northern Kentucky. “I was broke and homeless and completely addicted …


The addict's stigma: Perception of weakness hampers treatment: Editorial

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

Addiction, on the other hand, is stigmatized as a personality weakness. Just as marijuana's medicinal value was ignored because pot's illegal, the perception of people addicted to drugs such as heroin is clouded by law, too. The first time a person …
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From Twitter:

So I went to rehab to get help with my marijuana addictionby zachblows (Zachariah Blows)