If Parents Want Best for Their Child(dren) Then Why Do They Abuse Them?

Question by blank: If parents want best for their child(dren) then why do they abuse them?
I am dealing situation with a seventeen year old neighbor where I think abuse is happening by his Mom.I know she has been yelling at him a lot.There are other factors to.You would know if you saw my other question.

I also heard that in my town a mother got arrested for abusing her 12 year old daughter.The daughter sent with her father and the mother in jail.

There was also a case not to long ago a father abused all of his children ages 10,4,1.They were taken away and the father set to jail.

There are so many other cases.Please help me understand why parents do this.
I am sorry if you misread what i am saying.I have been studying child abuse for a couple of years now.I was just trying to understand.I am not saying that all parents are like this.

Best answer:

Answer by grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
cause they dont have the balls to stop the cycle

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