Drug & Alcohol Rehabs Colorado Springs

Help With a Topic for My Argumentative Research Paper?

Question by Mary Ashton: Help with a topic for my argumentative research paper?
AP English. I have to write a research paper on a current social issue that affects the community or population in general. Something along the lines of “Should Prostitution be Legalized?” Or “Should teacher be trained and allowed to carry handguns in schools?” I want something fresh. Not Cliché (like should marijuana be legalized or should the drinking age be lowered.” Preferably something that I don’t already have a firm stance on. Any suggestions? Thank you 🙂

Potentially Explosive New Trend in Marijuana Use Reported in Houston Area

Potentially explosive new trend in marijuana use reported in Houston area

Filed under: Colorado Springs Drug Rehabs

Online how-to videos mean police fear drug users will put themselves at risk experimenting; In butane extraction a highly potent marijuana contentrate is left behind. … Four teens and a 20-year-old allegedly had several grams of hash oil, over a …
Read more on Chron.com

What Is Your Opinion of “Celebrity Rehab” on VH1?

Question by cats: What Is Your Opinion Of “Celebrity Rehab” On VH1?

Best answer:

Answer by Elizabeth L

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A Residential Treatment Facility’s Vision: Mitch Baumann


A Residential Treatment Facility’s Vision: Mitch Baumann – http://www.therecoveryvillage.com/our-program/levels-of-care/residential-rehab/ Mitch Baumann is the Managing Partner of The Recovery Village, residential tr…


Pregnant Addict Daughter – Help Needed to Find Detox Facility?

Question by ann025788: Pregnant addict daughter – help needed to find detox facility?
My 21 year old daughter is 7 weeks pregnant (1st child) and a herion addict. She has gone through detox several times in the past but never able to stay clean.
She wants to keep the baby but doesn’t know where to turn for help with her pregnancy in regards to the drug abuse (mainlining). Does anyone have suggestions? We live in IL, she has no job, insurance, etc.

Chronic Pain Recovery Treatment Implications by Mel Pohl, MD, FASAM of Las Vegas Recovery Center


Chronic Pain Recovery Treatment Implications by Mel Pohl, MD, FASAM of Las Vegas Recovery Center – Mel Pohl, of Central Recovery Treatment’s renowned inpatient chronic pain and addiction treatment center, Las Vegas Recovery Center, gave a presentation on c…