Drug Addiction Help Colorado

Why Are Drugs So Hard to Quit


Why Are Drugs So Hard to Quit – Quitting drugs is hard because addiction is a brain disease. Your brain is like a control tower that sends out signals to direct your actions and choices. Ad…


Statistics on Prescription Drug Abuse in the State of West Virginia?

Question by americanidiot1810: Statistics on prescription drug abuse in the state of west virginia?

Best answer:

Can Someone List Hotlines for Marijuana Use?

Question by Kyle9211: can someone list hotlines for marijuana use?
i need to find about 10 hotlines for a school project that help people who have problems with marijuana

Best answer:

Answer by ezgoin92
National Drug Abuse Hotline

National Alcohol and Substance Abuse Information Call Center

Anti-Drug Advocate Headed to Trial on Trespass, Drug Charges

Anti-drug advocate headed to trial on trespass, drug charges

Filed under: drug addiction help recovery

At the time of his arrest, Fox was executive director of Young People in Recovery, described as a national grassroots advocacy organization promoting public policy that helps young drug addicts in recovery. He is no longer with the organization …
Read more on Bucks County Courier Times

Teen Prescription Drug Abuse on the Rise


Teen prescription drug abuse on the rise – Teen prescription drug abuse on the rise Teen prescription drug abuse on the rise. ALBANY — We’re here to talk about prescription drug abuse and it is an ep…


Psychiatry and Psychology – Part 4: Addiction Center


Psychiatry and Psychology – Part 4: Addiction Center – Dr. Daniel Hall-Flavin, Consultant in Addiction Psychiatry in Rochester, Minn., provides a brief introduction to the Addiction Center.