Question by cptndaveahoe: Addiction?
Which would be the best category to ask a serious question about a friend who is battling a drug addiction?
Crystal Meth
Best answer:
Answer by StrongBad
depends on drug
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Does Anyone Know About “Rational Recovery?” Has It Worked for Anyone You Know?
Question by Sunshine: Does anyone know about “Rational Recovery?” Has it worked for anyone you know?
Best answer:
Answer by NothingToLose
If you are referring to the program created by Jack Trimpey, which refers to AVRT or the “addictive voice”, then yes I know about it and it works. I highly recommend it.
Jane’s Addiction, Having a Chat
Jane’s Addiction, having a chat –
For Help, Call Gambling Addiction Referral Line 1-800-994-8448
For help, call Gambling Addiction Referral line 1-800-994-8448 – Just a few of the things worth more than a lottery ticket. ———————————————————————————————-…
Man Sought in Mass. Teen's Slaying Held in Maine
Man sought in Mass. teen's slaying held in Maine
Filed under: teen drug abuse
Man sought in Mass. teen's slaying held in Maine. Story. Print: Create a … as a fugitive Friday in Portland. He was sought on assault, gun and drug charges. …. Use the 'Report' link on each comment to let us know of abusive posts. 6 Share with Us …
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Ninoy Aquino Day August 18 2011 7PM Philippine Consulate Lanai – The Philippine Celebrating Coordinating Committe of Hawaii In Cooperation with the Philippine Consulate General, Honolulu, PRESENTS “Ninoy Aquino Day” In Com…
Actress Catherine Zeta-Jones performs a song from the movie "Chicago" at the …