Can Doing a Lot of Drugs Effect My Singing Abilities?

Question by Penny C: can doing a lot of drugs effect my singing abilities?
I’ve been into the whole ‘drug scene’ for a while now and have noticed my lack of motivation, and also my voice has weakened. I can’t hit certain pitches like I used to. Though, I really haven’t been stretching my voice either. I rarely practice any more. My question is: If I quit the drugs (or keep them as a rarity) and practice singing more will my voice strengthen?

Best answer:

Answer by Kira Chan
I think u should drop drugs period,
No drugs at all.
Itll keep u alive,perhaps help the voice.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



WARNING: ADHD Medications ADDICTION; ADDERALL, Ritalin, Vyvanse, Concerta – This is for educational purposes only and all of the information provided is an opinion of me – the author of this video. This is not intended to cure or treat any form of medical illness and please take medications as perscribed by your doctor. (If it’s not harming you…)


From Twitter:

$ MNST says recent drug abuse warning network report on energy drink- related ER visits is highly misleading – by MarketEdgeLive (MarketEdge)