Bobby Jindal Proposes Juvenile Justice System Changes, Early Release for

Bobby Jindal proposes juvenile justice system changes, early release for

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

He said the proposals are aimed to help troubled youth, reduce recidivism and improve drug rehabilitation programs, while also lowering costs by reducing incarceration numbers. The governor said the changes would save the state millions of dollars …


Detox unit closing plan draws opposition

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

“I recognized, finally, I was an alcoholic,” Johnston said at the event sponsored by the state Department of Public Health. The hearing, held at the … Faulkner officials have insisted they are not stepping away from their commitment to substance …
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Medicaid expansion a 'no-brainer': hike in GDP and new jobs by 2015

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

Between 2013 and 2026, the study authors found nearly a billion dollars in savings to Colorado's coffers from four major programs: prisoner hospitalizations, the Department of Human Service's community mental health, alcohol and drug treatment programs …
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