Do You Think the Obama Administration Will Oppose Colorado’s Marijuana Legalization Measure Like They Did?
Question by Zobgeist: Do you think the Obama Administration will oppose Colorado’s Marijuana Legalization measure like they did?
in California back in 2010?
Keep in mind that 61% of Coloradans think Marijuana should be legalized.
Colorado is a Swing State.
Best answer:
Answer by Leofa
The fact is this; the enforcement of drug and firearm prohibition has allowed the government to turn this country into a pig powered police state and everyday it is becoming more and more like the USSR. You might like all of this “protection” but personally I prefer to protect myself. If you are the kind of person that wants to give up your liberty for security then please go somewhere else like China or N Korea.
The money obama wants to distribute as charity is stolen and not his to give (read “Not Yours to Give” Dave Crockett)
I thought the state of the union speech 1-24-12 was a magic show where the King stood up and talked out of his *** for about an hour. HOORAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ron Paul is for the US Constitution and against the neo-conservative / socialist movements that are more commonly referred to as Republican and Democrat parties. Modern elections are all about buying votes with money stolen from the national treasury or campaign contributions given in return for special favors. Think I’m wrong? Why don’t you read the US Constitution and an essay about Col Dave Crockett, “Not Yours to Give.”?
Both MSM parties (republicans and democrats) are heavily reliant on emotion. (the voters are a jury that has proven to be incapable of making logical decisions)
I look up bills on I can also see the bill sponsors and voting record of senate and congress.
At least w/ SOPA King B Hussein Obama will not need to sit and wait w/ his internet kill switch. It will be done automatically. In addition please consider this;
FEMA camps and NDAA are the real thing. (just like an Orwellian Utopia) You’ll be gettin’ the eff out of dodge to avoid some kind of urban uprising because of a disaster or emergency and about 30 or 40 miles out of town traffic will stop. Military stormtroopers will walk through stopped traffic and warn people to stay in their cars. When you get to the roadblock ahead you will be told to get out of your car (leave your keys and belongings in the car and DO NOT bring any weapons.) Then you will wait in a holding area for a bus and go to one of their internment facilities for in-processing. Hopefully you will not get to play any of their games (waterboarding, solitary confinement, etc) But don’t worry, 6 fully staffed waterboards means you won’t have a long line to wait in.
NDAA (just signed into law by Barack Hussein Obama) will be used to authorize the whole thing, Did you read the book or see the movie “1984”? That’s what it is. It allows any federal agency to declare an emergency and use the military forces to impose martial law. What they are doing in the mid east (door to door searches without warrants or any due process whatsoever) is only a rehearsal of what they have in store for us here. This is an article I wrote for another section.
Do the police need a warrant to search me or my property? Under aspects of the US Constitution, all persons are protected from unwarranted searches and any other form of arbitrary harassment. Unfortunately modern courts have misinterpreted the intentions of the founding fathers who authored the US Constitution and Bill of Rights to give the police the power at their discretion to use “probable cause.” Police should not be allowed to lawfully act on suspicions or whims, and any action against any person should be deemed unconstitutional. This also includes any electronic surveillance such as wiretaps, directional mics, etc. Of course under aspects of the “Patriot Act” they will claim that it is to protect us from terrorists. They also claim that states need to implement a REAL ID program so that sheeple can be digitally mapped for easy identification to once again… protect us from terrorists. Meanwhile, the southern border is wide open to basically let in whoever wants to come for whatever reason.
HR 504 (died in session but it will return) HR 1540 (NDAA 2012) signed into law 12-31-2011 by King B. Hussein Obama
btw, thx 4 rdg this; people, gimme a thumbs up. sheeple; gimme a thumbs down
What do you think? Answer below!
Rialto council may ban mobile marijuana dispensaries
Filed under: Colorado Drug Use
RIALTO >> The City Council will vote on the fate of mobile marijuana dispensaries on Tuesday. If the ordinance is approved, patients using the cannabis for medical use will no longer be able to receive the drug delivered to their door or business.
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Filed under: Colorado Drug Use
Pub. 2013 – 692pp. Continuing with the family tradition of exquisite horror, local author Joe Hill crafts a haunting tale of paranormal terror that will leave you with little bloody nubs where your fingernails used to be. … Vic has the mouth of a …
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