Marijuana Intervention and Addiction Help Video Pt 5


Marijuana Intervention and Addiction Help Video pt 5 – Our final video on Detox, Rehab programs and Intervention Information for those with a Marijuana Addiction.


40 going on 14: Why today's forty-somethings never grew up

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

He dribbles his food and hides in the bathroom to play on his iPad – and let's not mention the bicycle obsession and cupcake addiction. Oh, and he's also got a wife, two young children, an ailing business and a … We seek instant pleasure like a child …
Read more on Daily Mail


Heroin problem getting younger; average age of people seeking treatment at 26

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

… then maybe marijuana. That's new," says Caleb Banta-Green, a research scientist at the University of Washington's Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute. What's also new, he says, is how young the addicts are when they go into heroin treatment for the …


Wisconsin mom: Learn about meth before it becomes a problem

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

Many of the residents are recovering methamphetamine addicts, said Doreen Rivard, one of the program founders. Recovering heroin addicts in the home tend to be from southcentral Wisconsin, including Rock County, Rivard said. For information about …
Read more on Janesville Gazette