United Way Helps Treat Mental Illness, Addiction
United Way helps treat mental illness, addiction – Each year, the University of Michigan participates in a campaign to help raise funds for services in Washtenaw County through the United Way. This video shows how giving to the Washtenaw County United Way helps treat the mentally ill and those battling addiction.
Eating Disorders in the Emergency Department
Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan
Patients with an eating disorder were also 3 times more likely to have symptoms of depression and 2 times as likely to engage in risky drinking behavior, smoke cigarettes and marijuana, and abuse stimulants and other drugs. Patients with an eating …
Read more on Brain Blogger (blog)
There are good reasons to outlaw marijuana
Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan
It is a gateway drug. If you don't believe me, ask the parents of many sons and daughters caught up now in addiction. Medical marijuana has been used as a foot in the door approach by the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws with its …
Read more on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Marijuana: Useful Treatment or Pandora's Box?
Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan
A recent Quinnipiac University poll showed that as of November 2012, a majority of US voters favor legalization of the drug for recreational use. The current status of marijuana laws are … And violation of marijuana laws, even the possession of small …
Read more on PsychCentral.com (blog)